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dhea and benefits
Sep 23 2023

What Does DHEA Do For My Body?

If you're delving into the intricacies of hormones and their profound influence on human physiology, chances are you've come across the acronym DHEA. Dehydroepiandrosterone, often referred to as DHEA, is a hormone that plays a pivotal role in the intricate tapestry of human endocrinology. While it may not be as famous as some of its hormone counterparts, its functions and effects are no less significant. In this article, we will delve into the depths of DHEA, exploring its origins, functions, and potential implications for health. What is DHEA? Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) is a...

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bone density menopause
May 29 2023

Can Menopause Cause Low Bone Density?

6 Ways to Keep Your Bones Healthy During Menopause   Menopause is the natural timeframe during which a woman’s period stops. It usually happens between the ages of 45-55. During menopause, estrogen levels drop, and bone loss accelerates. It’s estimated that women lose up to 10% of their bone mass in the first five years after menopause. But there are ways you can protect your bones and keep them healthy during menopause and after. How Does Estrogen Affect Bone Health?   Estrogen is a hormone that plays a vital role in bone growth, maturation, and...

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best menopause treatment
Nov 29 2022

What is the Best Menopause Treatment?

What Is The Best Treatment For Menopause? Menopause is the period of a woman’s life when reproductive hormones experience a decline. This typically begins during the 40s. While often called “menopause,” this period leading up to menopause is the perimenopausal period. A woman is considered “in menopause” when they have not had a period for at least 12 months. Women usually experience menopause between 45-50 years old. If you’ve had surgery like a hysterectomy and your ovaries were removed, this will cause you to enter menopause immediately, regardless of age.   Some women...

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long term benefits to taking testosterone
Jun 20 2022

What are the long term benefits to taking testosterone?

Long-Term Benefits of Testosterone Testosterone is primarily a male hormone produced in the testicles. The hormone is responsible for male growth and the development of masculine characteristics. Testosterone hormone naturally increases 30 times more in early adulthood and adolescence. However, the level gradually drops 1-3% per year after the age of 30. Some men naturally have low testosterone levels for their age and present with symptoms such as increased body fat, decreased muscle mass, and erectile dysfunction. Also known as hypogonadism, such males require testosterone replacement therapy. Below are the long-term benefits...

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Mar 20 2022

Importance of Estrogen in Men and Why it Matters

Why Estrogen Matters to Men Estrogen is primarily considered a female hormone responsible for developing various body parts, systems, and functions. However, it is present in all genders and coupled with testosterone; estrogen plays an important role in sexual growth. Like other hormones, maintaining a normal balance is important as an imbalance in estrogen can lead to various health issues. An increase in estrogen levels in men decreases testosterone levels. Therefore, most health conditions resulting from imbalanced estrogen levels are characterized by imbalanced testosterone levels. What are Normal Estrogen Levels for Men? Estrogen occurs...

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Jan 13 2020

What Is Male Hypogonadism?

Testosterone Deficiency, also known as Male Hypogonadism Male hypogonadism medically describes a testosterone deficiency in men resulting from the failure of their testes to produce adequate levels of testosterone, sperm, or both. The ramifications of such a condition have resounding impacts on the development of young prepubescent boys as well as towards the overall health and wellness of adult men. To better understand how the harmful symptoms of hypogonadism arise, the physiological pathway of testosterone production should illuminate how testosterone is delivered, regulated, and how the effects of disease or trauma...

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