Menopause Vs Perimenopause
The differences between perimenopause and menopause
Perimenopause, or menopause-transition, and menopause are two different stages that signify the end of menstruation and egg proliferation in a woman’s life. Symptoms and treatments can be very similar. The main difference between the two is the timeline.
When does Perimenopause/Menopause Begin and End?
Perimenopause can begin several years before menopause takes place when the ovaries are slowly creating less estrogen. Perimenopause can start anywhere from early-to-mid 40s, or even late 30s, and can last for an average of 4 years, but the timeline could vary for each woman. However, perimenopause and menopause can begin at any point in a woman’s life. As perimenopause comes to an end, the drop in estrogen increases, and that is when symptoms of menopause can be felt. It usually occurs one year after the last menstrual period, causing the ovaries to stop releasing eggs and producing estrogen, as well as stopping the menstrual cycle in a woman, which makes it impossible to become pregnant naturally. Menopause could last 4 to 5 years, but again the timeline varies from person to person.
What are the symptoms of perimenopause/menopause?
The symptoms of perimenopause and menopause are similar, but they intensify as menopause continues. The symptoms of perimenopause consist of hot flashes, breast tenderness, lower sex drive, fatigue, irregular periods, vaginal dryness, urinary changes, mood swings, and trouble sleeping. The symptoms of menopause consist of irregular or skipped periods, insomnia, mood swings, fatigue, depression, irritability, racing heart, headaches, joint and muscle pain, changes in sex drive, vaginal dryness, and bladder control.
Treatments for Perimenopause/Menopausal Symptoms
There are options to lessen the severity of the symptoms. Bioidentical Hormone Therapy is available to relieve hot flashes that can be caused by a decline in estrogen, progesterone and low testosterone levels. Vaginal estrogen is also available to relieve vaginal dryness. Other medications can be used for additional symptom relief, such as hair loss.
There are a variety of sources that will recommend proper diet, exercise, and adequate sleep to support lessening symptoms of menopausal or perimenopause symptoms. Vitality Aesthetic & Regenerative Medicine offers bioidentical estrogen therapy for women who are going through menopause, especially those who are struggling with menopausal symptoms. Bioidentical hormone therapy is safely restoring the hormone levels in a menopausal woman, who’s hormone levels are rapidly falling. By producing hormones that are an exact match to those that are produced in your body, there is no risk for cardiovascular issues or breast cancer risks that synthetic treatment imposes. This therapy can relieve the intensity and even reverse: irregular menstrual cycles, mood swings, osteoporosis, thinning hair, insomnia, hot flashes, reduced libido, depression, headaches, memory loss, and fatigue. Contact us today to discuss the options that may be available for you.