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what does adrenal burnout feel like
Jun 20 2024

What Does Adrenal Burnout Feel Like?

What Are the Stages of Adrenal Fatigue? Adrenal burnout, also known as adrenal fatigue, is a term used to describe a group of nonspecific symptoms such as body aches, fatigue, nervousness, sleep disturbances, and digestive problems. Although it's not recognized as a distinct medical condition by many medical professionals, the concept resonates with a significant number of patients who experience these symptoms without a clear diagnosis. Understanding the adrenal glands and their role in the body can help clarify what adrenal burnout feels like.   Understanding the Adrenal Glands The adrenal glands are small,...

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low testosterone and insomnia
May 20 2024

Does Low T Cause Insomnia?

The Connection Between Testosterone and Sleep Quality: Exploring the Impact of Testosterone Replacement Therapy on Sleep   Sleep is a vital component of human health, influencing various physiological functions and overall well-being. Among the numerous factors that affect sleep quality, hormone levels play a significant role. Testosterone, primarily known for its role in male reproductive health, also influences sleep patterns and quality. In recent years, research has shed light on the relationship between testosterone levels and sleep, leading to investigations into the potential benefits of testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) on sleep disorders....

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adrenal belly
Jan 05 2024

Adrenal Belly Fat and How to Fix It

What is Adrenal Belly: How Stress Can Cause Weight Gain   In the quest to understand the complexities of weight gain, a term frequently emerges in contemporary health discussions: "Adrenal Belly." This phenomenon is intricately linked to stress and its physiological consequences, particularly in relation to hormonal imbalances. As we delve deeper into this subject, we'll explore not only the mechanisms behind Adrenal Belly but also the potential role of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) in addressing this condition.   Understanding Adrenal Belly and Stress The concept of Adrenal Belly arises from the body's response to...

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functional medicine for hormones
Apr 22 2023

What is Functional Medicine for Hormones?

Principles of Functional Medicine For Hormones The realm of functional medicine is increasingly becoming popular, with patients demanding a proactive or preventive approach to common healthcare conditions. Unlike conventional medicine, functional medicine is patient-centered and uses nutrition-based strategies to address the root causes of disease, dysfunction, or medical condition. That said, if you are battling hormonal imbalance and can’t identify the reasons behind some symptoms, you should consider functional medicine. Common underlying causes of hormonal imbalance include chronic inflammation, nutrient deficiencies, stress, and toxins exposure. Functional medicine for hormonal imbalance evaluates the patients’...

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weight gain and hormonal balance
Jan 23 2023

The link between hormonal balance and weight gain

Hormones that Affect Weight Gain and How to Improve Them If you’ve recently gained weight, chances are it is due to a sedentary lifestyle and poor diet. However, this isn’t always the cause. Hormonal imbalances can also promote weight gain. Hormones are chemical messengers that control important functions, such as reproduction, sexual function, mood, and metabolism. Changes in hormonal levels can, at times, cause unexpected and uncontrollable weight gain. Unfortunately, diet and exercise regimens cannot solve weight gain caused by hormones. Below are the key hormones that control appetite, satiety, metabolism,...

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Oct 31 2022

Is HCG For Men Better Than Testosterone?

6 Benefits of HCG Injections for Men HCG, or Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, is a widely known pregnancy hormone used by women to maintain pregnancy. HCG stimulates ovulation and supports normal growth and development of the human egg. HCG levels in the body increase during pregnancy. However, recent studies have uncovered additional benefits of HG beyond supporting pregnancy, especially when used by men. HCG, in combination with other drugs, is used to treat infertility in women. Similarly, HCG injections for men increase testosterone and sperm production. It can also be used to...

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endocrine system - vitality aesthetic regenerative medicine
Sep 20 2022

Three Glands and How They Interact With Stress (Adrenal, Thyroid, Pancreas)

The Endocrine System - Thyroid Adrenal Pancreas Axis Did you know that three of your hormone-producing glands control and respond to stress and anxiety? These glands produce and release hormones as part of your body's response to stress. And while that is a normal response and function, chronic stress can be harmful. Let's learn more about these glands and how they interact with stress. What is Stress? First of all, let's discuss what we mean by stress. We are all under stress and spend a lot of time these days discussing how to...

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Aug 16 2022

Can You Lose Weight With Peptides and Boost Metabolism?

Peptides and Your Metabolism - Can Peptide Hormones Reboot Your Metabolism?   Peptides are small amino acid chains. Long chains of peptides are what form proteins. Each peptide in the body is responsible for a specific function. Peptides signal cell-to-cell communication and tell your cells what to do.   Peptide therapy can:   Decrease body fat Increase lean muscle mass Increase cell turnover of skin, hair, and nails Increase recovery time and healing Improve sleep Increase hormone production Decrease blood sugar Support the immune system Improve the strength of bones   But perhaps one of the most...

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Oct 22 2021

Health Benefits of DIM For Hormone Balance

DIM For Hormone Balance: How Does It Work? Understanding the complex world of supplements is challenging, especially with many food supplements claiming to work miracles on your health. This makes it impossible for a regular person to sort through every available information and make informed decisions about safe and effective supplements to use. However, if you’ve come across Diindolylmethane or DIM as a potential antidote to hormonal imbalance and other conditions, you are certainly on the right path. This supplement has been used to balance sex hormones and prevent cancer. This guide...

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Feb 14 2021

Does Menopause Affect Your Libido?

Menopause and Libido and the Effects on Sex Drive As we age, our bodies undergo many natural changes. For women, menopause is a time when hormone levels are altered, which results in various effects on our bodies. One consequence is a change in libido and sexual function. For many women, libido is decreased. Women may find they are not as easily aroused and not as sexually responsive as they once were. Fortunately, with bioidentical hormone therapy, these effects can be reversed, restoring or even improving your prior level of sexual function...

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