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hormonal imbalance Tag

Jan 25 2021

What is the difference between synthetic vs bioidentical medications

Synthetic Medications Vs. Bioidentical Medications Your body's hormones regulate most of your bodily functions. They serve as messengers, coordinating, and controlling various activities throughout the body. Hormones help regulate your body's processes like hunger, growth, brain function, blood pressure, libido, appetite, digestion, mood, and appetite. That's why hormonal imbalance can wreak havoc on your emotional, physical, and psychological well-being. Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) can help mitigate hormonal imbalance and ease symptoms. Synthetic and bioidentical medications are two of the most commonly used hormone therapy methods. This article examines the differences between synthetic...

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Dec 21 2020

8 Strategies to Boost Your Immune System in a Pandemic

We are in unprecedented times. The global SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, coupled with the onset of seasonal cold and flu, has created the perfect storm. It is more important than ever to maximize efforts to boost your immune system and stay healthy. Protecting your immune system is paramount in fighting off and managing infections. You can take specific measures for yourself and your family to ensure you stay healthy throughout this season. Sleep Getting adequate sleep is one of the most critical self-care measures you can take to boost your natural immune system. During...

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Oct 10 2020

Why is Sleep Important For Weight Loss?

Adequate Sleep and Weight Loss Sleep; one of the last mysterious medical frontiers scientists strive to understand. There's a lot we do understand about sleeping — how it helps our brain clear away toxins and waste accumulated throughout the day, how it restores and maintains cognitive function, and how it allows for vital cellular repairs throughout the body — and then there are still other things that evade our full understanding; questions like, "why we dream" and "how come we evolved to sleep when it was entirely disadvantageous for our ancestors?" In...

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Sep 09 2020

Symptoms of Low Libido and Sex Drive

Keeping Your Sex Drive Alive with HRT As humans, it’s hardwired in our biology to procreate. Written within our DNA is an almost primal instinct to pass on our genetic material. If you ask some evolutionary biologists the question, “What is the meaning of life?” you shouldn’t be all too surprised when they answer back, “To reproduce…”.  Looking at our environment and the millions of species that occupy our world, it’s evident that reproduction drives almost, if not, all, species. Just as it’s in a lion’s, deer’s, bear’s, whale’s, penguins,...

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Jun 17 2020

7 Energy Boosting Tips For Thyroid Patients

Instant Energy Boosting Suggestions For Thyroid Patients: Life moves at an ever-quickening fast pace, and there’s no exception to that as we get older. With age, our day-to-day lives become overwhelming, packed with work, family and home responsibilities, and social obligations. Let alone, the weekends don’t necessarily mean a reprieve from all the pressure. While these routines we live can be manageable, albeit exhausting, there are many people out there who especially struggle with maintaining the sheer energy to power through their days. Those people face extreme difficulty in staving off constant...

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May 22 2020

How to Tell the Time is Right for Bioidentical Hormones

Are Bioidentical Hormones right for you? When should you start? The human body gradually slows as a result of the aging process. This slowdown is true for both men and women. The changes in one's hormones are not always obvious and more often than not overlooked. As many studies have been conducted, unbalanced hormones cause different symptoms in every human body and some last longer than others. However, you are not powerless in the battle against father time. Bioidentical hormones are available for both women and men, providing an affordable and...

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Mar 06 2020

The Impact of Obesity on Hormone Production and Sexual Health

Do Hormones Play a Role in Weight Gain? What is the Impact of Obesity on Hormone Production?  Society has veered from the past towards a reality of instant-gratification and over-consumption within modern times. From the abundance of fast-food restaurants, courier services that transport fast-food to the comforts of our homes, ever-increasing portion sizes, and the normalization of sedentary activities like watching tv or surfing the web, it becomes clearer how our society, and the world at large, have begun to normalize the ever-mounting crisis of obesity.   It’s a matter of fact that...

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Feb 17 2020

Are Women’s Testosterone Levels Important?

How Women's Testosterone Levels can have Revitalizing Effects Day and night. Young or old. Testosterone versus estrogen… At face value, these comparisons may feel inherently oppositional to each other. As much as these examples feel like natural opposites, and as easy as it is to think of these comparisons as existing counter to each other, the fact remains that these aren't hard-coded binary absolutes. It may feel natural to hold these comparisons in one hand against the other to highlight their differences, but then we lose sight of their similarities. Women's...

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Feb 15 2020

Can the Keto Diet Affect Our Hormones?

How the Keto Diet Can Be Harmful to Natural Hormone Production   The keto diet has risen in popularity in our current day and age as both men and women have embraced this fad diet as a solution to their weight loss goals. This specific diet heralds weight loss by altering the consumption and quantity of the macro-nutrient, carbohydrates. There are three primary macronutrients that have a variety of purposes within our bodies: fats, carbs, and proteins. Each has unique properties and effects on the healthy functioning of our biology. Within the...

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Jan 13 2020

What Is Male Hypogonadism?

Testosterone Deficiency, also known as Male Hypogonadism Male hypogonadism medically describes a testosterone deficiency in men resulting from the failure of their testes to produce adequate levels of testosterone, sperm, or both. The ramifications of such a condition have resounding impacts on the development of young prepubescent boys as well as towards the overall health and wellness of adult men. To better understand how the harmful symptoms of hypogonadism arise, the physiological pathway of testosterone production should illuminate how testosterone is delivered, regulated, and how the effects of disease or trauma...

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