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medical grade vitamins
Jun 20 2023

Are Medical-Grade Vitamins Really Better?

Are Medical Grade Vitamins the Way to Go? Supplements are increasingly becoming popular, especially among health-conscious individuals. Dietary supplements provide a quick way of replenishing essential body nutrients and minerals. However, hundreds or thousands of supplement brands are available due to their rising popularity. With endless options, separating the good from the not-so-good becomes challenging. If you are in the market for vitamin supplements, differentiating medical grade and over-the-counter supplements is the best place to begin. What Are Medical-Grade Vitamin Supplements? While vitamin supplements are widely accessible, not all options are created...

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what are peptides
Feb 17 2023

Peptides: What they are and what they do

What are Peptides and How Do They Affect the Body If you have been looking for skincare products recently, chances are you’ve come across peptide products on the market. There’s a lot of buzz surrounding the benefits of peptides to the skin, muscles, and overall health. Several studies have shown that peptides can potentially slow the aging process, destroy microbes in the body, and reduce inflammation. Because of these benefits, you’ll find several supplements that contain peptides derived from food or manufactured synthetically on the market. However, what are peptides, and...

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Feb 25 2021

Can Getting Adequate Sleep Benefit a Low-Calorie Diet?

How and Why Adequate Sleep Helps You Lose Weight Anyone who has tried to lose weight has probably been advised to follow a low-calorie diet and exercise regularly. What most people aren’t told is that sleep plays a critical role in weight loss. Quality sleep is one of the neglected lifestyle factors that has been shown in several studies to help with metabolism, food preference, and appetite. If you are working on your weight loss goals, there are a couple of things you should be doing already. Eating healthy, exercising, and getting quality sleep...

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intermittent fasting
Dec 08 2019

Understanding Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting (commonly referred to as "IF") is a way of regulating eating. This regulation is accomplished by introducing periods of reprieve from food. These periods of fasting are usually designated as daily or weekly cycles depending on the selected program. Perhaps while not immediately apparent as to why one would sustain from eating at regular intervals, there are plenty of benefits and advantages afforded to those who fast. Intermittent fasting is a tool for weight control; however, it shouldn't be thought of as a diet since following IF puts no...

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Oct 04 2019

Amazing Benefits of Vitamin C

8 Significant Benefits of Vitamin C For Your Body Vitamin C is an essential nutrient along with 12 other vitamins crucial for bodily functions. Vitamin C serves an integral role in the growth, development, and repair of bodily tissue. People require Vitamin C in their lives. Not solely because it's a necessity for healthy functioning bodies but because there are several advantages and benefits afforded to one's health by consuming this micronutrient. Surprisingly, we cannot naturally create Vitamin C by ourselves and so must rely on dietary intake and supplements to...

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Sep 12 2019

Top 5 Health Benefits of Sleep

Benefits of Sleep Have More to Do with Your Health Than You Think Did you know when we're even slightly sleep deprived, our appetite hormones change? It's true! A good night's rest has more health benefits than just restful looking eyes and skin or renewed energy for the day ahead. The importance of a full night of rest has more to do with our overall health and wellbeing than we may realize. Getting less than 6-7 hours a night could be a cause for the development of certain diseases. Here are...

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Apr 16 2019

Tired of Being Tired? Do You Have Adrenal Fatigue?

UNDERSTANDING THE ADRENAL GLANDS We all know that stress can have a debilitating effect on your body’s energy level. But did you know that stress could cause a condition called adrenal dysfunction? Not many people understand how adrenal dysfunction works, much less how to combat its tendency to rob your body- and mind- of the vitality that is essential to your wellbeing. Adrenal fatigue, also known as hypoadrenia, can be hard to diagnose, but its effects are very real. Its symptoms often worsen over time, starting with just a general sense of...

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