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metabolism booster Tag

Aug 16 2022

Can You Lose Weight With Peptides and Boost Metabolism?

Peptides and Your Metabolism - Can Peptide Hormones Reboot Your Metabolism?   Peptides are small amino acid chains. Long chains of peptides are what form proteins. Each peptide in the body is responsible for a specific function. Peptides signal cell-to-cell communication and tell your cells what to do.   Peptide therapy can:   Decrease body fat Increase lean muscle mass Increase cell turnover of skin, hair, and nails Increase recovery time and healing Improve sleep Increase hormone production Decrease blood sugar Support the immune system Improve the strength of bones   But perhaps one of the most...

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Oct 10 2020

Why is Sleep Important For Weight Loss?

Adequate Sleep and Weight Loss Sleep; one of the last mysterious medical frontiers scientists strive to understand. There's a lot we do understand about sleeping — how it helps our brain clear away toxins and waste accumulated throughout the day, how it restores and maintains cognitive function, and how it allows for vital cellular repairs throughout the body — and then there are still other things that evade our full understanding; questions like, "why we dream" and "how come we evolved to sleep when it was entirely disadvantageous for our ancestors?" In...

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Mar 08 2020

Are All Carbs and Sugars Bad For You?

Carbs and Sugars: Are they the same? Short answer: Yes. Now that answer alone doesn't cover the broad scope and science of how carbohydrates and sugars are one and the same. Before we parse the details between the two, let's first look at macronutrients. Firstly, macronutrients are known as the pillars of what our body requires to function healthily and efficiently. Three macronutrients comprise the foods we eat on a day-to-day basis: proteins, carbs, and fats. For the sake of sticking to the question, we'll only be looking at the importance and...

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Feb 15 2020

Can the Keto Diet Affect Our Hormones?

How the Keto Diet Can Be Harmful to Natural Hormone Production   The keto diet has risen in popularity in our current day and age as both men and women have embraced this fad diet as a solution to their weight loss goals. This specific diet heralds weight loss by altering the consumption and quantity of the macro-nutrient, carbohydrates. There are three primary macronutrients that have a variety of purposes within our bodies: fats, carbs, and proteins. Each has unique properties and effects on the healthy functioning of our biology. Within the...

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Aug 23 2019

Can Cleansing the Liver Help You Lose Weight?

Weight Loss and Liver Cleanse You may not have given your liver a second thought when it comes to weight loss; however, the liver is the organ responsible for metabolizing fat. Your overall health is affected by the health of your liver. It is the body's natural detoxifier; it helps remove waste products and processes nutrients your body needs. Optimizing your liver health by cleansing or detoxing may help you meet your weight loss goals. Most of us struggle with overburdened organs due to unhealthy food choices and lifestyle. Let's take...

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Jun 15 2019

6 Benefits of Collagen Supplements

What Can Collagen Supplements Do For You? It’s pretty difficult to go on social media without seeing an ad or mention of collagen. Everyone from doctors to bloggers rave about collagen and all of its benefits. Since collagen has been receiving so much attention over the last few years, it’s only logical for you to be a bit skeptical. What is collagen? Why is everyone urging their friends and family to add it into their daily routine? Can collagen supplements help with weight loss? Collagen, the body's most abundant protein, is essential...

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May 24 2019

What Can Vitamin Injections Do For You

Vitamin Injections and Their Anti-Aging Benefits If you’re feeling run down, depressed and just overall tired-there may be a new solution for you, and here’s the good news! It doesn’t involve pills, surgery or sweating. Famous names such as the Kardashians, Hilton, and many other beauty gurus have hopped on the trend of vitamin injections, claiming it boosts energy, increases metabolism, and makes your skin glow. It seems like a miracle solution, which makes some fans question whether it’s just a placebo effect or these results are the real deal. Let’s...

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