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pharmaceutical grade supplements Tag

medical grade vitamins
Jun 20 2023

Are Medical-Grade Vitamins Really Better?

Are Medical Grade Vitamins the Way to Go? Supplements are increasingly becoming popular, especially among health-conscious individuals. Dietary supplements provide a quick way of replenishing essential body nutrients and minerals. However, hundreds or thousands of supplement brands are available due to their rising popularity. With endless options, separating the good from the not-so-good becomes challenging. If you are in the market for vitamin supplements, differentiating medical grade and over-the-counter supplements is the best place to begin. What Are Medical-Grade Vitamin Supplements? While vitamin supplements are widely accessible, not all options are created...

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Jan 06 2020

Can MIC Injections Work For Weight Loss?

How Do MIC Injections Work For Weight Loss? Losing weight is a difficult task if you are not equipped with the right tools, and most people are not sure where to begin. Most start their weight-loss journey with a diet and exercise, and that may work for a short amount of time unless you hit a plateau. Fat-burning injections are used as an aid in weight loss when diets and exercise are no longer effective, and when other options like bariatric weight-loss surgeries might not be viable. The addition of fat-burning...

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Oct 04 2019

Amazing Benefits of Vitamin C

8 Significant Benefits of Vitamin C For Your Body Vitamin C is an essential nutrient along with 12 other vitamins crucial for bodily functions. Vitamin C serves an integral role in the growth, development, and repair of bodily tissue. People require Vitamin C in their lives. Not solely because it's a necessity for healthy functioning bodies but because there are several advantages and benefits afforded to one's health by consuming this micronutrient. Surprisingly, we cannot naturally create Vitamin C by ourselves and so must rely on dietary intake and supplements to...

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Aug 23 2019

Can Cleansing the Liver Help You Lose Weight?

Weight Loss and Liver Cleanse You may not have given your liver a second thought when it comes to weight loss; however, the liver is the organ responsible for metabolizing fat. Your overall health is affected by the health of your liver. It is the body's natural detoxifier; it helps remove waste products and processes nutrients your body needs. Optimizing your liver health by cleansing or detoxing may help you meet your weight loss goals. Most of us struggle with overburdened organs due to unhealthy food choices and lifestyle. Let's take...

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Jun 23 2019

Medical Grade Supplements Versus OTC

What is the difference between Medical Grade Supplements and Over the Counter (OTC)? If you are currently purchasing supplements and vitamins at your neighborhood pharmacy, you may want to look into how over the counter (OTC) supplements differ from medical grade supplements. Perhaps you were not aware that medical grade supplements even existed. Pharmaceutical grade supplements vs. OTC supplements can make a significant difference in your health in a variety of ways. Here is how they differ: Regulation of Supplements The FDA does not regulate OTC supplements in the United States. It has...

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Jun 15 2019

6 Benefits of Collagen Supplements

What Can Collagen Supplements Do For You? It’s pretty difficult to go on social media without seeing an ad or mention of collagen. Everyone from doctors to bloggers rave about collagen and all of its benefits. Since collagen has been receiving so much attention over the last few years, it’s only logical for you to be a bit skeptical. What is collagen? Why is everyone urging their friends and family to add it into their daily routine? Can collagen supplements help with weight loss? Collagen, the body's most abundant protein, is essential...

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