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Vitality Aesthetic and Regenerative Medicine

May 22 2020

How to Tell the Time is Right for Bioidentical Hormones

Are Bioidentical Hormones right for you? When should you start? The human body gradually slows as a result of the aging process. This slowdown is true for both men and women. The changes in one's hormones are not always obvious and more often than not overlooked. As many studies have been conducted, unbalanced hormones cause different symptoms in every human body and some last longer than others. However, you are not powerless in the battle against father time. Bioidentical hormones are available for both women and men, providing an affordable and...

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Apr 27 2020

Bolster Your Immune System

Best Ways to Bolster Your Immune System: Starting with Peptide Therapy There hasn’t been as pressing a global health scare in decades as the one we’re currently facing. COVID-19 has caused a lot of uproar and despair in its wake just as it has also reemphasized the mounting importance of preventative measures and health consciousness. Something on all of our minds is maintaining the right precautions to avoid any risk of contracting this sweeping virus. As we take all the necessary steps in doing so, we’re reminded of the significance of...

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Apr 17 2020

MIC Injections and Their Role in Weight Loss Management

MIC Injection and Its Benefits  In your pursuit of diets and programs to lose weight and look your best, you may have come across MIC injections in your research. MIC is an acronym that stands for methionine inositol choline sometimes referred to as fat burner injections. This injection is comprised of a specialized formula containing lipotropic compounds that facilitate the destruction of fat in the human body. In short, this is an effective, effortless way to lose weight, improve your personal aesthetic, and boost your confidence. An Inside Look at the Magic...

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Mar 30 2020

What’s the Difference Between Natural and Processed Sugar?

Sugar has many names, so what's the difference between natural and processed sugar? There is nothing wrong with consuming sugar as long as it is the right sugar. There is a meaningful difference between natural sugar found in fruits and vegetables and processed sugar used in seemingly countless manmade products that line the supermarket shelves.  Your body is perfectly capable of processing a moderate amount of natural sugar, yet the consumption of processed sugar is likely to pack on the pounds, decay your teeth, and lead to the dreaded sugar crash. Let's take a closer look at the...

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Mar 08 2020

Are All Carbs and Sugars Bad For You?

Carbs and Sugars: Are they the same? Short answer: Yes. Now that answer alone doesn't cover the broad scope and science of how carbohydrates and sugars are one and the same. Before we parse the details between the two, let's first look at macronutrients. Firstly, macronutrients are known as the pillars of what our body requires to function healthily and efficiently. Three macronutrients comprise the foods we eat on a day-to-day basis: proteins, carbs, and fats. For the sake of sticking to the question, we'll only be looking at the importance and...

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Mar 06 2020

The Impact of Obesity on Hormone Production and Sexual Health

Do Hormones Play a Role in Weight Gain? What is the Impact of Obesity on Hormone Production?  Society has veered from the past towards a reality of instant-gratification and over-consumption within modern times. From the abundance of fast-food restaurants, courier services that transport fast-food to the comforts of our homes, ever-increasing portion sizes, and the normalization of sedentary activities like watching tv or surfing the web, it becomes clearer how our society, and the world at large, have begun to normalize the ever-mounting crisis of obesity.   It’s a matter of fact that...

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Feb 17 2020

Are Women’s Testosterone Levels Important?

How Women's Testosterone Levels can have Revitalizing Effects Day and night. Young or old. Testosterone versus estrogen… At face value, these comparisons may feel inherently oppositional to each other. As much as these examples feel like natural opposites, and as easy as it is to think of these comparisons as existing counter to each other, the fact remains that these aren't hard-coded binary absolutes. It may feel natural to hold these comparisons in one hand against the other to highlight their differences, but then we lose sight of their similarities. Women's...

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Feb 15 2020

Can the Keto Diet Affect Our Hormones?

How the Keto Diet Can Be Harmful to Natural Hormone Production   The keto diet has risen in popularity in our current day and age as both men and women have embraced this fad diet as a solution to their weight loss goals. This specific diet heralds weight loss by altering the consumption and quantity of the macro-nutrient, carbohydrates. There are three primary macronutrients that have a variety of purposes within our bodies: fats, carbs, and proteins. Each has unique properties and effects on the healthy functioning of our biology. Within the...

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Feb 10 2020

Why You Should Consider Estrogen Therapy

Considering Estrogen Therapy? Here are several reasons you should: Our bodies are complex systems of biochemical processes that govern how we live, how we look, and how we feel. In our youth, hormones are triggered, released, or stifled as part of the many biochemical processes that play a critical role in our development from adolescence into adulthood. It should be noted that puberty isn’t the only instance within our lives where dramatic physiological changes happen; these dramatic changes occur throughout our lifetime as we continue to grow older. As our biological...

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Jan 13 2020

What Is Male Hypogonadism?

Testosterone Deficiency, also known as Male Hypogonadism Male hypogonadism medically describes a testosterone deficiency in men resulting from the failure of their testes to produce adequate levels of testosterone, sperm, or both. The ramifications of such a condition have resounding impacts on the development of young prepubescent boys as well as towards the overall health and wellness of adult men. To better understand how the harmful symptoms of hypogonadism arise, the physiological pathway of testosterone production should illuminate how testosterone is delivered, regulated, and how the effects of disease or trauma...

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