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Anti-Aging Specialist

Vitality Aesthetic & Regenerative Medicine in Palm Harbor Florida is Tampa Bay area’s anti-aging specialist. Providing hormone replacement therapy for men and women. We offer medical grade supplements, fat burning injections as well as pellet hormone therapy.
Apr 27 2020

Bolster Your Immune System

Best Ways to Bolster Your Immune System: Starting with Peptide Therapy There hasn’t been as pressing a global health scare in decades as the one we’re currently facing. COVID-19 has caused a lot of uproar and despair in its wake just as it has also reemphasized the mounting importance of preventative measures and health consciousness. Something on all of our minds is maintaining the right precautions to avoid any risk of contracting this sweeping virus. As we take all the necessary steps in doing so, we’re reminded of the significance of...

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Dec 26 2019

Menopause Vs Perimenopause

The differences between perimenopause and menopause Perimenopause, or menopause-transition, and menopause are two different stages that signify the end of menstruation and egg proliferation in a woman’s life. Symptoms and treatments can be very similar. The main difference between the two is the timeline. When does Perimenopause/Menopause Begin and End? Perimenopause can begin several years before menopause takes place when the ovaries are slowly creating less estrogen. Perimenopause can start anywhere from early-to-mid 40s, or even late 30s, and can last for an average of 4 years, but the timeline could vary for...

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what peptides do
Dec 08 2019

What Peptides Do

Top 5 Frequently Asked Questions About Peptides The field of science is an ever-expanding venture for knowledge into some of our most pressing questions. And what more critical issues are there than the studies grounded in medicine, biology, and chemistry that delve into improving human physiology and health. In recent years, biochemists have conducted hundreds of clinical studies looking into peptide therapy; promising results provide much hope and optimism for providing greater physical wellbeing for those looking to take advantage of naturally occurring biochemical building blocks of life. As the field of...

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Nov 11 2019

Youthful Skin with Easy Anti-Aging Tricks

Youthful Skin Secrets You May Never Have Heard of Radiant, youthful skin is what everyone strives to achieve. It is no wonder the beauty industry is valued at over 300 billion dollars. The skincare industry is booming. There is a gel or cleanser or face mask promising the fountain of youth in every advertisement. But how much of that can you believe? Will some topical application erase years of stress or age? What can be done to achieve that youthful skin once more? Here are 6 easy anti-aging tricks, and how...

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Nov 08 2019

Five Signs You Have a Sluggish Liver, and What You Can Do About It

Early Warning Signs of a Sluggish Liver The liver is responsible for detoxification in our body, protecting us from all the toxins we are exposed to, whether through ingestion or environmental. Improving its function and efficiency supports the digestive function. So how do we know if we need to support the liver? What are the signs your liver could be struggling or become sluggish? Here are 5 early signals your liver is not functioning at optimal levels: Fatigue Low energy levels are often a sign your liver has become stressed. In general, tiredness...

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Oct 08 2019

What is a Leaky Gut?

Leaky Gut: What Is It and How Do You Heal It Perhaps you've heard of this newly emerging phenomenon if you follow health blogs or keep up with academic medical journals. However, in the off chance, this is your first time stumbling across this illness than more than likely, you're asking yourself, and presumably guessing from its namesake alone, what leaky gut syndrome is. As the name suggests, leaky gut is an issue that stems from digestive tract problems. Understandably, our digestive system is responsible for converting sustenance into energy as...

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Oct 04 2019

Amazing Benefits of Vitamin C

8 Significant Benefits of Vitamin C For Your Body Vitamin C is an essential nutrient along with 12 other vitamins crucial for bodily functions. Vitamin C serves an integral role in the growth, development, and repair of bodily tissue. People require Vitamin C in their lives. Not solely because it's a necessity for healthy functioning bodies but because there are several advantages and benefits afforded to one's health by consuming this micronutrient. Surprisingly, we cannot naturally create Vitamin C by ourselves and so must rely on dietary intake and supplements to...

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Sep 12 2019

Top 5 Health Benefits of Sleep

Benefits of Sleep Have More to Do with Your Health Than You Think Did you know when we're even slightly sleep deprived, our appetite hormones change? It's true! A good night's rest has more health benefits than just restful looking eyes and skin or renewed energy for the day ahead. The importance of a full night of rest has more to do with our overall health and wellbeing than we may realize. Getting less than 6-7 hours a night could be a cause for the development of certain diseases. Here are...

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Jun 23 2019

Medical Grade Supplements Versus OTC

What is the difference between Medical Grade Supplements and Over the Counter (OTC)? If you are currently purchasing supplements and vitamins at your neighborhood pharmacy, you may want to look into how over the counter (OTC) supplements differ from medical grade supplements. Perhaps you were not aware that medical grade supplements even existed. Pharmaceutical grade supplements vs. OTC supplements can make a significant difference in your health in a variety of ways. Here is how they differ: Regulation of Supplements The FDA does not regulate OTC supplements in the United States. It has...

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Jun 15 2019

6 Benefits of Collagen Supplements

What Can Collagen Supplements Do For You? It’s pretty difficult to go on social media without seeing an ad or mention of collagen. Everyone from doctors to bloggers rave about collagen and all of its benefits. Since collagen has been receiving so much attention over the last few years, it’s only logical for you to be a bit skeptical. What is collagen? Why is everyone urging their friends and family to add it into their daily routine? Can collagen supplements help with weight loss? Collagen, the body's most abundant protein, is essential...

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