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adrenal belly
Jan 05 2024

Adrenal Belly Fat and How to Fix It

What is Adrenal Belly: How Stress Can Cause Weight Gain   In the quest to understand the complexities of weight gain, a term frequently emerges in contemporary health discussions: "Adrenal Belly." This phenomenon is intricately linked to stress and its physiological consequences, particularly in relation to hormonal imbalances. As we delve deeper into this subject, we'll explore not only the mechanisms behind Adrenal Belly but also the potential role of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) in addressing this condition.   Understanding Adrenal Belly and Stress The concept of Adrenal Belly arises from the body's response to...

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hormone treatment for depression
Aug 09 2022

Hormone Treatment For Depression

Can Hormone Therapy Help with Depression? Depression is among the most common psychiatric disorder in the U.S that affects more women than men. Approximately 20% of women experience depression during their menopausal stage, caused by reduced estrogen levels. Women who have been previously diagnosed with depression are more likely to experience menopausal depression. Fortunately, help is available. If you have experienced various symptoms of depression during menopause, hormone replacement therapy can help. Estrogen replacement can increase serotonin levels in the body, which boosts mood and reduces risks for depression. How Menopause Causes Depression...

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Apr 16 2022

Perimenopausal Women and Estrogen Dominance

Changes in Hormone Levels and Estrogen Dominance in Perimenopausal Women Perimenopause is the time when a woman is transitioning to menopause. During the perimenopausal period, women can experience many symptoms. The process varies with the individual, and the perimenopausal period can last from two to ten years. What is perimenopause? Perimenopause is triggered by changes in the natural hormone levels. You may experience symptoms such as:   Irregular periods. Periods can become unpredictable with the time between becoming shorter or longer. The period itself may also change, sometimes lighter, sometimes heavier. You may even...

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