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Oct 12 2021

Is HCG Better Than Testosterone for Losing Weight?

Best Treatment Option for Losing Weight - Is HCG Better Than Testosterone? According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 42% of U.S adults are obese. Unfortunately, most people struggle with other chronic conditions, including Type 2 diabetes and heart disease. Excessive weight gain is a complicated issue stemming from medical and social causes, and achieving weight loss is a big challenge to most people. While exercising, dietary restrictions and surgery are popular weight-loss options; not all affected persons are successful. As such, researchers and health experts continually search...

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May 17 2021

How Liver Function Affects Hormones

Hormone Balance and Liver Function: What You Need to Know The liver is the second largest organ in your body and is responsible for hundreds of vital body functions. However, few people realize the part the liver plays in hormone balance within the body. Let’s explore the liver’s function, why keeping your liver healthy is critical to hormone balance, and how to keep your liver healthy. The Liver's Function The liver is a giant filter for our bodies. Its primary function is detoxification, which removes nutrients to keep for energy and releases toxins...

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Mar 11 2021

Do Hormones Play a Role in Preventing Osteoporosis?

How Can Hormone Replacement Therapy Help Osteoporosis? Osteoporosis is a health condition that causes the bones to be weak, resulting in painful fractures. The human bones are made up of ling cells and are continually broken down and replaced. However, in certain people, the rate at which new bones are created doesn't keep up with the pace at which old ones are broken down. This results in bone loss, which eventually leads to Osteoporosis, or “thinning bones.” A healthy bone has small spaces; however, Osteoporosis causes the spaces to enlarge. The bone...

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Aug 11 2020

Quell Oil vs. Krill Oil

What is the Difference Between Quell Oil and Krill Oil? What does it mean to be getting omega-3 fatty acids into your diet? For many people, they may, in the very least, recognize that omega-3’s derive from fish but beyond that may not have much of an idea as to what that wholly means. Despite the name of ‘fatty acids’ which some could misconstrue as a negative thing, these omega-3’s are an overlooked dietary supplement that is important for our physiological needs. For the most part, as long as you have...

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Jul 09 2020

Common Myths of Hormone Replacement Therapy

Dispelling Misconceptions of Bioidentical Hormone Therapy  The spread of misinformation is an ever-pervasive occurrence, more now than it's ever been before. Just as the Internet has connected our society in unimaginable ways since its conception, it's also facilitated the spreading of falsehoods, conjecture, personal anecdotes framed as truths, and unfounded sensationalized claims. At the tips of our fingers, we're able to access troves of knowledge; yet a sense of vigilance is required to navigate as to avoid stumbling into false information. The field of hormone therapy, specifically bioidentical hormone therapy, is plagued...

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