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low testosterone and insomnia
May 20 2024

Does Low T Cause Insomnia?

The Connection Between Testosterone and Sleep Quality: Exploring the Impact of Testosterone Replacement Therapy on Sleep   Sleep is a vital component of human health, influencing various physiological functions and overall well-being. Among the numerous factors that affect sleep quality, hormone levels play a significant role. Testosterone, primarily known for its role in male reproductive health, also influences sleep patterns and quality. In recent years, research has shed light on the relationship between testosterone levels and sleep, leading to investigations into the potential benefits of testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) on sleep disorders....

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PMS or Perimenopause
Jun 26 2023

Do I Have PMS or Perimenopause?

Is it PMS or Perimenopause? When you aren’t feeling your best, it can be challenging to determine exactly what is causing the symptoms, and if you are in the 40-50-year-old age range, you might wonder if your symptoms could be the start of menopause. Many different things can cause mood changes. The symptoms you experience during PMS can be very similar to those that occur during perimenopause. Let’s tease out the differences and determine when it might be time to see your healthcare provider. What is PMS? PMS, or premenstrual syndrome, refers to...

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erectile dysfunction
Oct 25 2022

Can Erectile Dysfunction Happen for No Reason?

What Can Cause ED?   Erectile dysfunction (ED) or impotence can include symptoms like:   Trouble getting an erection Trouble keeping an erection Lack of sex drive It’s not unusual to experience erection trouble from time to time, but when it becomes a frequent issue, it can lead to stress, loss of self-confidence, and problems in relationships. ED can also be a sign of other health problems that need treatment.   Let’s explore the causes of ED and the treatments available. Common Causes of ED Because sex involves both emotional or psychological and physical factors, the causes of...

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Why You Should not Take Medication to Solve Sleep Problems
Jul 12 2022

Why You Shouldn’t Take Medication to Solve Sleep Problems

Health Effects of Long-Term Sleeping Pill Use   Many people experience sleep problems at various times throughout their life. Insomnia, which can be trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, or both, can happen short-term or long-term. Chronic insomnia lasts for at least three months and happens at least three times a week.   Turning to a sleeping medicine may seem like the best course of action to treat sleep problems, but some sleep medicines are habit-forming or have unpleasant side effects. Let’s explore issues related to sleep problems and why you might want to rethink...

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Feb 20 2022

What Happens When You Are Estrogen Dominant?

Causes and Consequences of Estrogen Dominance for Men and Women Estrogen is typically considered a female hormone. However, even men have a small amount of estrogen in their bodies. Estrogen is normally responsible for the functions of the female reproductive system. Estrogen also impacts brain health and function, bone health, and the cardiovascular system in women. For men, estrogen, in the form of estradiol, affects sex drive, erectile function, and sperm production.   When estrogen levels are elevated or out of balance with other hormone levels, a condition called estrogen dominance might occur....

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Feb 17 2020

Are Women’s Testosterone Levels Important?

How Women's Testosterone Levels can have Revitalizing Effects Day and night. Young or old. Testosterone versus estrogen… At face value, these comparisons may feel inherently oppositional to each other. As much as these examples feel like natural opposites, and as easy as it is to think of these comparisons as existing counter to each other, the fact remains that these aren't hard-coded binary absolutes. It may feel natural to hold these comparisons in one hand against the other to highlight their differences, but then we lose sight of their similarities. Women's...

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Sep 20 2019

Thyroid Diseases and Symptoms

Thyroid Diseases, Symptoms, Signs and Treatments The thyroid gland is susceptible to a plethora of afflictions later on in life and is a rather common occurrence. Several thyroid diseases affect it's ability to produce hormones; many of which manifest themselves with a unique set of symptoms. Hereditary disorders and genetic dispositions can cause the thyroid to falter. To best understand thyroid diseases and the signs, it's paramount to recognize the symptoms relative to each condition: Goiter is the term given to the growth of nodules on the thyroid. These nodules create tenderness...

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