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medical grade vitamins
Jun 20 2023

Are Medical-Grade Vitamins Really Better?

Are Medical Grade Vitamins the Way to Go? Supplements are increasingly becoming popular, especially among health-conscious individuals. Dietary supplements provide a quick way of replenishing essential body nutrients and minerals. However, hundreds or thousands of supplement brands are available due to their rising popularity. With endless options, separating the good from the not-so-good becomes challenging. If you are in the market for vitamin supplements, differentiating medical grade and over-the-counter supplements is the best place to begin. What Are Medical-Grade Vitamin Supplements? While vitamin supplements are widely accessible, not all options are created...

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Dec 21 2020

8 Strategies to Boost Your Immune System in a Pandemic

We are in unprecedented times. The global SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, coupled with the onset of seasonal cold and flu, has created the perfect storm. It is more important than ever to maximize efforts to boost your immune system and stay healthy. Protecting your immune system is paramount in fighting off and managing infections. You can take specific measures for yourself and your family to ensure you stay healthy throughout this season. Sleep Getting adequate sleep is one of the most critical self-care measures you can take to boost your natural immune system. During...

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Jun 17 2020

7 Energy Boosting Tips For Thyroid Patients

Instant Energy Boosting Suggestions For Thyroid Patients: Life moves at an ever-quickening fast pace, and there’s no exception to that as we get older. With age, our day-to-day lives become overwhelming, packed with work, family and home responsibilities, and social obligations. Let alone, the weekends don’t necessarily mean a reprieve from all the pressure. While these routines we live can be manageable, albeit exhausting, there are many people out there who especially struggle with maintaining the sheer energy to power through their days. Those people face extreme difficulty in staving off constant...

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Apr 27 2020

Bolster Your Immune System

Best Ways to Bolster Your Immune System: Starting with Peptide Therapy There hasn’t been as pressing a global health scare in decades as the one we’re currently facing. COVID-19 has caused a lot of uproar and despair in its wake just as it has also reemphasized the mounting importance of preventative measures and health consciousness. Something on all of our minds is maintaining the right precautions to avoid any risk of contracting this sweeping virus. As we take all the necessary steps in doing so, we’re reminded of the significance of...

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Jan 06 2020

Can MIC Injections Work For Weight Loss?

How Do MIC Injections Work For Weight Loss? Losing weight is a difficult task if you are not equipped with the right tools, and most people are not sure where to begin. Most start their weight-loss journey with a diet and exercise, and that may work for a short amount of time unless you hit a plateau. Fat-burning injections are used as an aid in weight loss when diets and exercise are no longer effective, and when other options like bariatric weight-loss surgeries might not be viable. The addition of fat-burning...

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Oct 08 2019

What is a Leaky Gut?

Leaky Gut: What Is It and How Do You Heal It Perhaps you've heard of this newly emerging phenomenon if you follow health blogs or keep up with academic medical journals. However, in the off chance, this is your first time stumbling across this illness than more than likely, you're asking yourself, and presumably guessing from its namesake alone, what leaky gut syndrome is. As the name suggests, leaky gut is an issue that stems from digestive tract problems. Understandably, our digestive system is responsible for converting sustenance into energy as...

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Oct 04 2019

Amazing Benefits of Vitamin C

8 Significant Benefits of Vitamin C For Your Body Vitamin C is an essential nutrient along with 12 other vitamins crucial for bodily functions. Vitamin C serves an integral role in the growth, development, and repair of bodily tissue. People require Vitamin C in their lives. Not solely because it's a necessity for healthy functioning bodies but because there are several advantages and benefits afforded to one's health by consuming this micronutrient. Surprisingly, we cannot naturally create Vitamin C by ourselves and so must rely on dietary intake and supplements to...

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Jun 23 2019

Medical Grade Supplements Versus OTC

What is the difference between Medical Grade Supplements and Over the Counter (OTC)? If you are currently purchasing supplements and vitamins at your neighborhood pharmacy, you may want to look into how over the counter (OTC) supplements differ from medical grade supplements. Perhaps you were not aware that medical grade supplements even existed. Pharmaceutical grade supplements vs. OTC supplements can make a significant difference in your health in a variety of ways. Here is how they differ: Regulation of Supplements The FDA does not regulate OTC supplements in the United States. It has...

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May 24 2019

What Can Vitamin Injections Do For You

Vitamin Injections and Their Anti-Aging Benefits If you’re feeling run down, depressed and just overall tired-there may be a new solution for you, and here’s the good news! It doesn’t involve pills, surgery or sweating. Famous names such as the Kardashians, Hilton, and many other beauty gurus have hopped on the trend of vitamin injections, claiming it boosts energy, increases metabolism, and makes your skin glow. It seems like a miracle solution, which makes some fans question whether it’s just a placebo effect or these results are the real deal. Let’s...

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