TRT Treatment
TRT Treatment and Frequently Asked Questions
When most people think of testosterone replacement therapy, it’s easy to envision unnaturally large muscles. However, that’s not an accurate picture. Testosterone replacement therapy usually helps men with low testosterone reverse conditions like chronic fatigue, low libido, weight gain, and concentration difficulties.
If your doctor has diagnosed you with low testosterone, TRT treatment can offer some relief. Here is more about testosterone replacement therapy.
What Is TRT?
Testosterone replacement therapy is also sometimes referred to as androgen replacement therapy. And it is primarily meant for treating low testosterone levels, which may occur as you age but can also be triggered by a medical condition.
Nevertheless, it is becoming quite popular for various non-medical uses, such as:
- Increasing muscle mass for bodybuilders
- Boosting sexual performance
- Improving energy levels
Some studies point out that testosterone replacement therapy can help you enjoy some of these benefits. For instance, a recent scientific review shows that TRT increases muscle strength in males.
How Much Does TRT Cost?
Generally, you can expect to pay about $150-225 per month. There are different treatment options you can choose from based on your needs and medical condition. These may include:
- Injectable testosterone
- Pellet Therapy
Is TRT a Steroid?
Testosterone is the main sex hormone in males, and it is an anabolic steroid. TRT treatment is different from steroids abuse. Basically, steroids are synthetic drugs that are similar to testosterone –the male sex hormone. While there are some legitimate medical applications for steroids, the key difference is that a qualified medical provider will not prescribe anabolic doses to enhance muscle mass. And without a medical prescription, steroids are deemed illegal.
Typically, the medical name for drugs in this class is anabolic-androgenic steroids. However, most people just refer to them as steroids.
But here’s the bottom line, steroid abuse is not equivalent to a medically monitored treatment plan, which is testosterone replacement therapy. Technically, males that are on testosterone therapy can benefit and improve their health. And on the other hand, individuals who regularly abuse steroids bear the risk of serious health complications.
How Long Is TRT Treatment?
In most cases, TRT treatment is a gradual process without a defined timeframe. But as soon you start getting the treatment, you are likely to see positive results after 3 to 6 months. However, the symptoms start to ease for most men, and they return to normal health much sooner in 3 to 6 weeks.
There is no clear consensus on the exact duration that you should continue receiving testosterone replacement treatment. As such, you must discuss with your doctor and design a treatment plan that suits your needs.
Generally, testosterone therapy is an ongoing procedure that continues long-term for as long as you want to see the benefits. Most importantly, if you’ve been diagnosed with a chronic condition, stopping your TRT can make your symptoms return as testosterone levels in the body fall below healthy levels.
But over the course of the treatment, your medical provider will conduct regular check-ups and monitor your progress to make appropriate adjustments. The check-ups can be every three months at the beginning of your treatment, although they could be spread out as your health improves.
Testosterone replacement therapy has been a reliable treatment option for males with hypogonadism or other medical conditions associated with low testosterone levels, such as diabetes, obesity, and high cholesterol.
It would be best if you always talked with your medical provider before taking any testosterone medications. Typically, they will help you figure out if your goals are realistic and safe.
Once you start your TRT treatment, it’s important to be regularly monitored by a medical provider that is board certified in this specialty to determine your progress and note any unwanted side effects.