Benefits of Testosterone Replacement Therapy
What is Testosterone Replacement Therapy?
Many believe that the hormone testosterone is what gives men their manly characteristics. Testosterone is also the hormone that stimulates sperm production and is responsible for libido. It has been known to contribute to the production of red blood cells and helps maintain emotions and boosts mood and memory.
As the body ages, testosterone production levels drop approximately 1-3% annually; this lack of production generally starts when a man reaches the age of 40. As men age, and as time goes on, there is an increased likelihood they will begin showing signs of lowered testosterone levels. Common symptoms such as low energy levels, lowered sex drive, erectile dysfunction, decreasing muscle mass, and sometimes even anemia can develop. The occurrence of these symptoms is known as hypogonadism and affects approximately between two and six million men in the United States alone. With as many men as this condition effects, it is one of the most undertreated conditions known, with as little as only 5% of men receiving treatment.
When is it time to receive the benefits of Testosterone Replacement Therapy?
Many men look into TRT when they start to have sexual complaints; whether it be low libido or erectile dysfunction. Many doctors suggest when a man is experiencing ED; he should get his testosterone levels checked as soon as possible. It’s also essential to have healthy testosterone levels to ensure bone density, and red blood cell counts stay at a healthy level. The reason so many men go untreated for low testosterone levels is that doctors tend to brush off the “soft” symptoms, such as mood changes, low energy levels, and low libido and mark them down as symptoms that occur with the normal aging process.
What are the side effects of TRT?
Many men are hesitant about starting the treatment because some studies have shown a correlation between TRT and developing prostate cancer. It has been an ongoing debate whether there is a reliable correlation between the treatment and prostate cancer, as nothing has been scientifically proven as of now.
Optimizing testosterone levels have not been proven to be dangerous, especially if levels have already dropped on their on and are medically monitored. Contact us at Vitality Aesthetic & Regenerative Medicine to get your blood levels evaluated and determine the benefits of testosterone replacement therapy and whether or not it is right for you.