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testosterone replacement therapy Tag

diseases that cause low testosterone levels
May 31 2024

What Diseases Cause Low Testosterone Levels?

Medical Conditions that LOWER testosterone Levels Testosterone, often dubbed the "male hormone," plays a crucial role in men's health and well-being, influencing everything from sexual function to muscle mass and mood. However, various medical conditions can disrupt the delicate balance of testosterone production, leading to lower-than-normal levels. Understanding these conditions and their effects is essential for men's health and quality of life. In this article, we delve into the realm of testosterone and explore the medical conditions that can cause its levels to decline in men. From hormonal disorders to chronic illnesses...

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dementia low t
Sep 27 2023

Does Low Testosterone Predict Dementia?

Is Low T Linked to Dementia? You may have heard the buzz surrounding the potential link between low testosterone (often referred to as "Low T") and dementia. It's a topic that has captured the attention of both medical researchers and the general public. But before jumping to any conclusions, it's essential to understand the science behind this intriguing association. Understanding Low Testosterone First, let's clarify what low testosterone is. Testosterone is a hormone mainly produced in men's testes and women's ovaries. Its primary role includes muscle mass development, bone density maintenance, and sperm...

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erectile dysfunction
Oct 25 2022

Can Erectile Dysfunction Happen for No Reason?

What Can Cause ED?   Erectile dysfunction (ED) or impotence can include symptoms like:   Trouble getting an erection Trouble keeping an erection Lack of sex drive It’s not unusual to experience erection trouble from time to time, but when it becomes a frequent issue, it can lead to stress, loss of self-confidence, and problems in relationships. ED can also be a sign of other health problems that need treatment.   Let’s explore the causes of ED and the treatments available. Common Causes of ED Because sex involves both emotional or psychological and physical factors, the causes of...

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May 22 2020

How to Tell the Time is Right for Bioidentical Hormones

Are Bioidentical Hormones right for you? When should you start? The human body gradually slows as a result of the aging process. This slowdown is true for both men and women. The changes in one's hormones are not always obvious and more often than not overlooked. As many studies have been conducted, unbalanced hormones cause different symptoms in every human body and some last longer than others. However, you are not powerless in the battle against father time. Bioidentical hormones are available for both women and men, providing an affordable and...

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Feb 17 2020

Are Women’s Testosterone Levels Important?

How Women's Testosterone Levels can have Revitalizing Effects Day and night. Young or old. Testosterone versus estrogen… At face value, these comparisons may feel inherently oppositional to each other. As much as these examples feel like natural opposites, and as easy as it is to think of these comparisons as existing counter to each other, the fact remains that these aren't hard-coded binary absolutes. It may feel natural to hold these comparisons in one hand against the other to highlight their differences, but then we lose sight of their similarities. Women's...

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Jan 13 2020

What Is Male Hypogonadism?

Testosterone Deficiency, also known as Male Hypogonadism Male hypogonadism medically describes a testosterone deficiency in men resulting from the failure of their testes to produce adequate levels of testosterone, sperm, or both. The ramifications of such a condition have resounding impacts on the development of young prepubescent boys as well as towards the overall health and wellness of adult men. To better understand how the harmful symptoms of hypogonadism arise, the physiological pathway of testosterone production should illuminate how testosterone is delivered, regulated, and how the effects of disease or trauma...

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Dec 20 2019

Understanding Bio Identical Hormones

What are Bio-Identical Hormones? Throughout our body, biochemical reactions are triggered, and our cells respond accordingly to complete their respective tasks such as metabolism, growth, cognition, and neural motor functions, to name a few. The signaling that occurs between cells stems from our extensive systems of glands; these glands produce hormones that provide the instructions for how cells are to operate. Hormones are not just a part of your reproductive system; they can influence the function of the immune system and regulate processes such as hunger and blood pressure. How do they...

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Aug 19 2019

Low T Therapy

Low T Therapy is Not Just For Men Testosterone for men and women Testosterone is often thought of as a "male" hormone, but truthfully it is produced by both men and women. It is responsible for tissue and bone growth and your body's ability to improve muscle strength. The slowing production of testosterone happens in both men and women. What are the symptoms of Low T in Men? Hypogonadism (lowered testosterone) in men begins to show symptoms of hair loss, not just on your head, but all over your body. You may be experiencing...

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Jul 01 2019

Benefits of Testosterone Replacement Therapy

What is Testosterone Replacement Therapy? Many believe that the hormone testosterone is what gives men their manly characteristics. Testosterone is also the hormone that stimulates sperm production and is responsible for libido. It has been known to contribute to the production of red blood cells and helps maintain emotions and boosts mood and memory. As the body ages, testosterone production levels drop approximately 1-3% annually; this lack of production generally starts when a man reaches the age of 40. As men age, and as time goes on, there is an increased likelihood...

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Apr 16 2019

Tired of Being Tired? Do You Have Adrenal Fatigue?

UNDERSTANDING THE ADRENAL GLANDS We all know that stress can have a debilitating effect on your body’s energy level. But did you know that stress could cause a condition called adrenal dysfunction? Not many people understand how adrenal dysfunction works, much less how to combat its tendency to rob your body- and mind- of the vitality that is essential to your wellbeing. Adrenal fatigue, also known as hypoadrenia, can be hard to diagnose, but its effects are very real. Its symptoms often worsen over time, starting with just a general sense of...

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