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Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy

Bioidentical Hormone replacement therapy for men and women in Palm Harbor Florida Women going through menopause or experiencing hot flashes can benefit from hormone replacement therapy as can men going through andropause. BHRT
Jan 06 2020

Can MIC Injections Work For Weight Loss?

How Do MIC Injections Work For Weight Loss? Losing weight is a difficult task if you are not equipped with the right tools, and most people are not sure where to begin. Most start their weight-loss journey with a diet and exercise, and that may work for a short amount of time unless you hit a plateau. Fat-burning injections are used as an aid in weight loss when diets and exercise are no longer effective, and when other options like bariatric weight-loss surgeries might not be viable. The addition of fat-burning...

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Dec 20 2019

Understanding Bio Identical Hormones

What are Bio-Identical Hormones? Throughout our body, biochemical reactions are triggered, and our cells respond accordingly to complete their respective tasks such as metabolism, growth, cognition, and neural motor functions, to name a few. The signaling that occurs between cells stems from our extensive systems of glands; these glands produce hormones that provide the instructions for how cells are to operate. Hormones are not just a part of your reproductive system; they can influence the function of the immune system and regulate processes such as hunger and blood pressure. How do they...

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intermittent fasting
Dec 08 2019

Understanding Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting (commonly referred to as "IF") is a way of regulating eating. This regulation is accomplished by introducing periods of reprieve from food. These periods of fasting are usually designated as daily or weekly cycles depending on the selected program. Perhaps while not immediately apparent as to why one would sustain from eating at regular intervals, there are plenty of benefits and advantages afforded to those who fast. Intermittent fasting is a tool for weight control; however, it shouldn't be thought of as a diet since following IF puts no...

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Nov 11 2019

Can You Use Hormone Therapy to Lose Weight?

Beneficial Effects of Hormone Therapy for Weight Loss Calories in versus calories out. That’s how weight loss has always been framed amongst the medical and fitness community. By eating fewer calories juxtaposed with losing calories through exercise, fat and weight are supposed to drop. It seems like a no-brainer how that relationship between diet and exercise works for achieving weight loss. However, many people pursuing weight loss who’ve diligently followed the mantra “calories in, calories out” have found themselves at a plateau — at a point where all their efforts seem...

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Sep 20 2019

Thyroid Diseases and Symptoms

Thyroid Diseases, Symptoms, Signs and Treatments The thyroid gland is susceptible to a plethora of afflictions later on in life and is a rather common occurrence. Several thyroid diseases affect it's ability to produce hormones; many of which manifest themselves with a unique set of symptoms. Hereditary disorders and genetic dispositions can cause the thyroid to falter. To best understand thyroid diseases and the signs, it's paramount to recognize the symptoms relative to each condition: Goiter is the term given to the growth of nodules on the thyroid. These nodules create tenderness...

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Aug 23 2019

Can Cleansing the Liver Help You Lose Weight?

Weight Loss and Liver Cleanse You may not have given your liver a second thought when it comes to weight loss; however, the liver is the organ responsible for metabolizing fat. Your overall health is affected by the health of your liver. It is the body's natural detoxifier; it helps remove waste products and processes nutrients your body needs. Optimizing your liver health by cleansing or detoxing may help you meet your weight loss goals. Most of us struggle with overburdened organs due to unhealthy food choices and lifestyle. Let's take...

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Aug 19 2019

Low T Therapy

Low T Therapy is Not Just For Men Testosterone for men and women Testosterone is often thought of as a "male" hormone, but truthfully it is produced by both men and women. It is responsible for tissue and bone growth and your body's ability to improve muscle strength. The slowing production of testosterone happens in both men and women. What are the symptoms of Low T in Men? Hypogonadism (lowered testosterone) in men begins to show symptoms of hair loss, not just on your head, but all over your body. You may be experiencing...

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Jul 22 2019

Hormone Pellet Therapy Benefits

Benefits of Hormone Pellets in Palm Harbor Florida While there are many benefits of bioidentical hormone replacement therapy for both men and women, otherwise known as BHRT, Vitality Aesthetic & Regenerative Medicine offers enhanced practice in the form of Hormone Pellet Therapy. Pellet therapy is not a new concept in the world of medicine but has recently been approved by the FDA in the last decade. Pellet therapy can be an effective way to overcome hormone deficiencies and imbalances at any age. The key benefit of pellet therapy is how it...

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Jul 01 2019

Benefits of Testosterone Replacement Therapy

What is Testosterone Replacement Therapy? Many believe that the hormone testosterone is what gives men their manly characteristics. Testosterone is also the hormone that stimulates sperm production and is responsible for libido. It has been known to contribute to the production of red blood cells and helps maintain emotions and boosts mood and memory. As the body ages, testosterone production levels drop approximately 1-3% annually; this lack of production generally starts when a man reaches the age of 40. As men age, and as time goes on, there is an increased likelihood...

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Jun 15 2019

6 Benefits of Collagen Supplements

What Can Collagen Supplements Do For You? It’s pretty difficult to go on social media without seeing an ad or mention of collagen. Everyone from doctors to bloggers rave about collagen and all of its benefits. Since collagen has been receiving so much attention over the last few years, it’s only logical for you to be a bit skeptical. What is collagen? Why is everyone urging their friends and family to add it into their daily routine? Can collagen supplements help with weight loss? Collagen, the body's most abundant protein, is essential...

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