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hormone levels Tag

diseases that cause low testosterone levels
May 31 2024

What Diseases Cause Low Testosterone Levels?

Medical Conditions that LOWER testosterone Levels Testosterone, often dubbed the "male hormone," plays a crucial role in men's health and well-being, influencing everything from sexual function to muscle mass and mood. However, various medical conditions can disrupt the delicate balance of testosterone production, leading to lower-than-normal levels. Understanding these conditions and their effects is essential for men's health and quality of life. In this article, we delve into the realm of testosterone and explore the medical conditions that can cause its levels to decline in men. From hormonal disorders to chronic illnesses...

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dementia low t
Sep 27 2023

Does Low Testosterone Predict Dementia?

Is Low T Linked to Dementia? You may have heard the buzz surrounding the potential link between low testosterone (often referred to as "Low T") and dementia. It's a topic that has captured the attention of both medical researchers and the general public. But before jumping to any conclusions, it's essential to understand the science behind this intriguing association. Understanding Low Testosterone First, let's clarify what low testosterone is. Testosterone is a hormone mainly produced in men's testes and women's ovaries. Its primary role includes muscle mass development, bone density maintenance, and sperm...

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sermorelin vs ipamorelin whats the difference
Apr 26 2023

Which Peptide is Better Sermorelin or Ipamorelin?

Sermorelin vs. Ipamorelin: What’s The Difference? Peptide therapy has changed the lives of many people across the globe. Besides slowing down the natural aging process, peptides aid in weight loss, improve cognitive function, and offer many other benefits. Essentially, peptides are amino acid strings that are naturally produced in the body. They regulate various body processes and functions, including muscle growth, cognitive functions, and the immune system.   However, the natural production of peptides in the body decreases with age, which impairs several body functions. As such, most people often turn to peptide...

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functional medicine for hormones
Apr 22 2023

What is Functional Medicine for Hormones?

Principles of Functional Medicine For Hormones The realm of functional medicine is increasingly becoming popular, with patients demanding a proactive or preventive approach to common healthcare conditions. Unlike conventional medicine, functional medicine is patient-centered and uses nutrition-based strategies to address the root causes of disease, dysfunction, or medical condition. That said, if you are battling hormonal imbalance and can’t identify the reasons behind some symptoms, you should consider functional medicine. Common underlying causes of hormonal imbalance include chronic inflammation, nutrient deficiencies, stress, and toxins exposure. Functional medicine for hormonal imbalance evaluates the patients’...

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pellet therapy
Nov 15 2022

What Does Pellet Therapy Do?

What is Hormone Pellet Therapy? Hormone pellets are increasingly becoming a popular method of delivering hormones for patients on hormone replacement therapies. Hormone pellets are typically implants inserted under the skin to release bioidentical hormones. Both men and women may require hormone replacement procedures to balance testosterone, estrogen, and other deficient hormones. Men with testosterone deficiency require hormone replacement therapies to augment testosterone levels in the body. Women primarily use hormone therapies to treat menopause symptoms, while transgender people use these treatments to enhance or suppress specific sex characteristics. What are Hormone Pellets? The...

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Oct 31 2022

Is HCG For Men Better Than Testosterone?

6 Benefits of HCG Injections for Men HCG, or Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, is a widely known pregnancy hormone used by women to maintain pregnancy. HCG stimulates ovulation and supports normal growth and development of the human egg. HCG levels in the body increase during pregnancy. However, recent studies have uncovered additional benefits of HG beyond supporting pregnancy, especially when used by men. HCG, in combination with other drugs, is used to treat infertility in women. Similarly, HCG injections for men increase testosterone and sperm production. It can also be used to...

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Feb 14 2021

Does Menopause Affect Your Libido?

Menopause and Libido and the Effects on Sex Drive As we age, our bodies undergo many natural changes. For women, menopause is a time when hormone levels are altered, which results in various effects on our bodies. One consequence is a change in libido and sexual function. For many women, libido is decreased. Women may find they are not as easily aroused and not as sexually responsive as they once were. Fortunately, with bioidentical hormone therapy, these effects can be reversed, restoring or even improving your prior level of sexual function...

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Nov 04 2020

6 Substances that Affect Thyroid Balance

What substances affect thyroid balance? Meaning of Thyroid Balance As with everything in life, finding and maintaining balance is largely instrumental in achieving success, happiness, and health. Whether it's learning to moderate how much time you invest between work and social life, family and friends, fitness and rest, or any other dichotomy, striking a healthy balance between two ends of a spectrum prevents one from prioritizing and grossly neglecting one option over the other.  Just as life throws a series of balancing and juggling acts your way, our physiology also undergoes and experiences...

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Jul 09 2020

Common Myths of Hormone Replacement Therapy

Dispelling Misconceptions of Bioidentical Hormone Therapy  The spread of misinformation is an ever-pervasive occurrence, more now than it's ever been before. Just as the Internet has connected our society in unimaginable ways since its conception, it's also facilitated the spreading of falsehoods, conjecture, personal anecdotes framed as truths, and unfounded sensationalized claims. At the tips of our fingers, we're able to access troves of knowledge; yet a sense of vigilance is required to navigate as to avoid stumbling into false information. The field of hormone therapy, specifically bioidentical hormone therapy, is plagued...

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