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what does adrenal burnout feel like
Jun 20 2024

What Does Adrenal Burnout Feel Like?

What Are the Stages of Adrenal Fatigue? Adrenal burnout, also known as adrenal fatigue, is a term used to describe a group of nonspecific symptoms such as body aches, fatigue, nervousness, sleep disturbances, and digestive problems. Although it's not recognized as a distinct medical condition by many medical professionals, the concept resonates with a significant number of patients who experience these symptoms without a clear diagnosis. Understanding the adrenal glands and their role in the body can help clarify what adrenal burnout feels like.   Understanding the Adrenal Glands The adrenal glands are small,...

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diseases that cause low testosterone levels
May 31 2024

What Diseases Cause Low Testosterone Levels?

Medical Conditions that LOWER testosterone Levels Testosterone, often dubbed the "male hormone," plays a crucial role in men's health and well-being, influencing everything from sexual function to muscle mass and mood. However, various medical conditions can disrupt the delicate balance of testosterone production, leading to lower-than-normal levels. Understanding these conditions and their effects is essential for men's health and quality of life. In this article, we delve into the realm of testosterone and explore the medical conditions that can cause its levels to decline in men. From hormonal disorders to chronic illnesses...

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Apr 26 2023

What Does the B12 Shot Do For You?

What are the Benefits of a Vitamin B12 Injection? What is Vitamin B12?   Vitamin B12 is a water-soluble vitamin that is also known as cobalamin. Your body does not make Vitamin B12, so it must be taken in through foods you eat or supplemented.   Vitamin B12 is found in foods like fish, dairy products, and meat. It does not occur naturally in plant-based foods, so vegetarians and vegans are particularly at risk for deficiency. And some medications, like antacids and diabetes medicines, contribute to B12 deficiency. You might also be at risk for...

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Mar 20 2022

Importance of Estrogen in Men and Why it Matters

Why Estrogen Matters to Men Estrogen is primarily considered a female hormone responsible for developing various body parts, systems, and functions. However, it is present in all genders and coupled with testosterone; estrogen plays an important role in sexual growth. Like other hormones, maintaining a normal balance is important as an imbalance in estrogen can lead to various health issues. An increase in estrogen levels in men decreases testosterone levels. Therefore, most health conditions resulting from imbalanced estrogen levels are characterized by imbalanced testosterone levels. What are Normal Estrogen Levels for Men? Estrogen occurs...

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Feb 20 2022

What Happens When You Are Estrogen Dominant?

Causes and Consequences of Estrogen Dominance for Men and Women Estrogen is typically considered a female hormone. However, even men have a small amount of estrogen in their bodies. Estrogen is normally responsible for the functions of the female reproductive system. Estrogen also impacts brain health and function, bone health, and the cardiovascular system in women. For men, estrogen, in the form of estradiol, affects sex drive, erectile function, and sperm production.   When estrogen levels are elevated or out of balance with other hormone levels, a condition called estrogen dominance might occur....

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Dec 21 2020

8 Strategies to Boost Your Immune System in a Pandemic

We are in unprecedented times. The global SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, coupled with the onset of seasonal cold and flu, has created the perfect storm. It is more important than ever to maximize efforts to boost your immune system and stay healthy. Protecting your immune system is paramount in fighting off and managing infections. You can take specific measures for yourself and your family to ensure you stay healthy throughout this season. Sleep Getting adequate sleep is one of the most critical self-care measures you can take to boost your natural immune system. During...

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Oct 10 2020

Why is Sleep Important For Weight Loss?

Adequate Sleep and Weight Loss Sleep; one of the last mysterious medical frontiers scientists strive to understand. There's a lot we do understand about sleeping — how it helps our brain clear away toxins and waste accumulated throughout the day, how it restores and maintains cognitive function, and how it allows for vital cellular repairs throughout the body — and then there are still other things that evade our full understanding; questions like, "why we dream" and "how come we evolved to sleep when it was entirely disadvantageous for our ancestors?" In...

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Jun 17 2020

7 Energy Boosting Tips For Thyroid Patients

Instant Energy Boosting Suggestions For Thyroid Patients: Life moves at an ever-quickening fast pace, and there’s no exception to that as we get older. With age, our day-to-day lives become overwhelming, packed with work, family and home responsibilities, and social obligations. Let alone, the weekends don’t necessarily mean a reprieve from all the pressure. While these routines we live can be manageable, albeit exhausting, there are many people out there who especially struggle with maintaining the sheer energy to power through their days. Those people face extreme difficulty in staving off constant...

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Nov 11 2019

Can You Use Hormone Therapy to Lose Weight?

Beneficial Effects of Hormone Therapy for Weight Loss Calories in versus calories out. That’s how weight loss has always been framed amongst the medical and fitness community. By eating fewer calories juxtaposed with losing calories through exercise, fat and weight are supposed to drop. It seems like a no-brainer how that relationship between diet and exercise works for achieving weight loss. However, many people pursuing weight loss who’ve diligently followed the mantra “calories in, calories out” have found themselves at a plateau — at a point where all their efforts seem...

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Nov 08 2019

Five Signs You Have a Sluggish Liver, and What You Can Do About It

Early Warning Signs of a Sluggish Liver The liver is responsible for detoxification in our body, protecting us from all the toxins we are exposed to, whether through ingestion or environmental. Improving its function and efficiency supports the digestive function. So how do we know if we need to support the liver? What are the signs your liver could be struggling or become sluggish? Here are 5 early signals your liver is not functioning at optimal levels: Fatigue Low energy levels are often a sign your liver has become stressed. In general, tiredness...

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