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Author:Gina Pastore

dementia low t
Sep 27 2023

Does Low Testosterone Predict Dementia?

Is Low T Linked to Dementia? You may have heard the buzz surrounding the potential link between low testosterone (often referred to as "Low T") and dementia. It's a topic that has captured the attention of both medical researchers and the general public. But before jumping to any conclusions, it's essential to understand the science behind this intriguing association. Understanding Low Testosterone First, let's clarify what low testosterone is. Testosterone is a hormone mainly produced in men's testes and women's ovaries. Its primary role includes muscle mass development, bone density maintenance, and sperm...

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dhea and benefits
Sep 23 2023

What Does DHEA Do For My Body?

If you're delving into the intricacies of hormones and their profound influence on human physiology, chances are you've come across the acronym DHEA. Dehydroepiandrosterone, often referred to as DHEA, is a hormone that plays a pivotal role in the intricate tapestry of human endocrinology. While it may not be as famous as some of its hormone counterparts, its functions and effects are no less significant. In this article, we will delve into the depths of DHEA, exploring its origins, functions, and potential implications for health. What is DHEA? Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) is a...

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does low testosterone affect penis size
Aug 31 2023

Does Low Testosterone Affect Penis Size?

Low T and Penis Size Q: Does Low Testosterone Change Penis Length? A: Adult penis size does not shrink from low testosterone. Instead, reduced testosterone affects erection quality, which can make the penis feel smaller. Restoring normal testosterone levels often improves sexual function but does not alter physical length. Low testosterone (often called Low T) can still impact sexual well-being. It may lead to weaker erections, reduced libido, and other symptoms that affect performance and confidence. Understanding how testosterone influences male anatomy helps you manage expectations and choose the right treatment plan. What Is...

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4 best peptides for weight loss
Aug 24 2023

4 Best Peptides for Weight Loss

4 Powerful Peptides That Accelerate Weight Loss If you’re on a journey to shed some extra pounds, you might have heard about peptides. These tiny protein-like molecules could lend you a helping hand in your weight loss efforts. They can influence how your body works, including how it burns fat. Here are four of the best peptides that could be your partners in the quest for a healthier you. Q: What Are Peptides? A: Peptides are short amino acid chains that trigger specific functions, such as fat breakdown and muscle preservation. Peptides occur naturally in the...

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kisspeptin vs hcg
Jul 21 2023

Kisspeptin vs. HCG

Comparing Kisspeptin and HCG Human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG) and kisspeptin are medications that can be given to increase testosterone levels. If you have low testosterone, your healthcare provider may recommend treatment.   Low testosterone is often treated with testosterone replacement by injection or infused in an implantable pellet. But some patients are not a candidate for treatment with testosterone or may experience side effects. In these cases, HCG or kisspeptin are alternatives.   In this article, we’ll explore the differences between kisspeptin and HCG and why you might choose one over the other. Read on...

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signs of unhealthy testosterone levels in women
Jul 16 2023

Signs of Unhealthy Testosterone Levels in Women

Unhealthy Testosterone Levels in Women: Causes and Symptoms   It might surprise you to learn that women can have unhealthy testosterone levels. Testosterone is generally thought of as a male hormone, but women need testosterone too, and it's an important hormone for women’s health. Women just have lower levels than males. Let’s learn more about testosterone and the role it plays for women. Why Do Women Need Testosterone? Testosterone is a type of androgen or sex hormone. Hormones are important chemical messengers in your body that tell your body how to complete certain functions....

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PMS or Perimenopause
Jun 26 2023

Do I Have PMS or Perimenopause?

Is it PMS or Perimenopause? When you aren’t feeling your best, it can be challenging to determine exactly what is causing the symptoms, and if you are in the 40-50-year-old age range, you might wonder if your symptoms could be the start of menopause. Many different things can cause mood changes. The symptoms you experience during PMS can be very similar to those that occur during perimenopause. Let’s tease out the differences and determine when it might be time to see your healthcare provider. What is PMS? PMS, or premenstrual syndrome, refers to...

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medical grade vitamins
Jun 20 2023

Are Medical-Grade Vitamins Really Better?

Are Medical Grade Vitamins the Way to Go? Supplements are increasingly becoming popular, especially among health-conscious individuals. Dietary supplements provide a quick way of replenishing essential body nutrients and minerals. However, hundreds or thousands of supplement brands are available due to their rising popularity. With endless options, separating the good from the not-so-good becomes challenging. If you are in the market for vitamin supplements, differentiating medical grade and over-the-counter supplements is the best place to begin. What Are Medical-Grade Vitamin Supplements? While vitamin supplements are widely accessible, not all options are created...

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bone density menopause
May 29 2023

Can Menopause Cause Low Bone Density?

6 Ways to Keep Your Bones Healthy During Menopause   Menopause is the natural timeframe during which a woman’s period stops. It usually happens between the ages of 45-55. During menopause, estrogen levels drop, and bone loss accelerates. It’s estimated that women lose up to 10% of their bone mass in the first five years after menopause. But there are ways you can protect your bones and keep them healthy during menopause and after. How Does Estrogen Affect Bone Health?   Estrogen is a hormone that plays a vital role in bone growth, maturation, and...

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7 benefits of glutathione injections
May 09 2023

What are the benefits of glutathione?

7 Glutathione Peptide Benefits Also called the master antioxidant, glutathione is a naturally occurring antioxidant in plants and animals. Structurally, glutathione is made up of three amino acids, namely, cysteine, glutamate, and glycine. While glutathione isn’t an essential nutrient in the body, low levels or glutathione deficiency can occur due to advancing age, poor nutrition, stress, and exposure to environmental toxins. Glutathione deficiency means the body has insufficient antioxidants, making it vulnerable to various health conditions, including diabetes, cancer, and Parkinson’s’ disease, making it necessary for affected people to use glutathione supplements....

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