The Link Between Belly Fat and Low Testosterone
Can boosting your testosterone decrease your belly fat?
It’s no secret that as we age, our bodies change. Many people will notice that during middle age, they start to carry more weight around the mid-section. This belly fat can be particularly stubborn and resistant to diet and exercise. Those extra pounds can indicate a more significant issue. Belly fat and testosterone levels are closely linked with each other. Read on to learn about the link between belly fat and low testosterone and what you can do about it.
Symptoms of Low Testosterone
How do you know if your testosterone levels are low? The best way is to have your levels checked through laboratory testing, but symptoms you may experience include:
- Reduced sex drive
- Fatigue
- Decreased lean muscle mass
- Irritability or mood changes
- Erectile dysfunction
The Role of Testosterone
Testosterone levels are essential for many different reasons. Testosterone levels can begin to decline as early as age 25-30 and will continue to slowly decrease throughout a man’s life. Testosterone is primarily produced in the testicles but also in small amounts through the adrenal glands.
Testosterone affects men’s appearance and sexual development. It stimulates sperm production, drives libido, and builds muscle and bone mass. Normal levels of testosterone are protective against diabetes, heart problems, hypertension, cancer, and obesity. When testosterone levels are optimal, it is easier to maintain a normal balance of muscle mass. Testosterone impacts the production of muscle mass and the storage of fat.
Belly Fat
However, if you already carry extra weight around the middle, you are already at a disadvantage when it comes to testosterone levels. Belly fat produces a natural enzyme called aromatase. Aromatase is responsible for building estrogen from testosterone. Men need a small amount of estrogen, just as women need a small amount of testosterone. The problem occurs with larger amounts of belly fat producing too much aromatase. Large amounts of testosterone are converted to estrogen, causing a man to have too much estrogen and even less testosterone.
It’s a vicious cycle. Too much belly fat lowers testosterone, and low testosterone increases belly fat. What can you do?
Increasing Testosterone Levels
Some ways to increase testosterone levels naturally include:
- Exercising and lifting weights.
- Eat a healthy, well-balanced whole-food-based diet.
- Minimize stress and cortisol levels.
- Get some sunlight exposure and take a Vitamin D supplement.
- Take a multivitamin containing zinc.
- Get enough sleep.
- Take a natural testosterone booster supplement (ashwagandha).
- Avoid exposure to BPA, parabens, and other toxins.
Unfortunately, when testosterone is low, getting the motivation to exercise and take the above measures can be difficult. It may be time to get your testosterone levels checked and consider testosterone supplementation. Options for supplementation of testosterone include injections or pellet therapy. Our specialists at Vitality Aesthetic and Regenerative Medicine will help you determine the optimal treatment plan to achieve your best state of health.
Once testosterone levels are optimized, increasing physical activity will help you lose belly fat and keep your testosterone levels in range. Men who have been experiencing unpleasant low testosterone effects will find that symptoms resolve quickly with testosterone supplementation.
Restore Testosterone Levels and Lose the Belly Fat
If you are experiencing stubborn belly fat or other symptoms of low testosterone, let Vitality Aesthetic & Regenerative Medicine help you. Through a consult with one of our hormone specialists, we can determine your current testosterone levels and the best treatment method to help you look and feel your best, restoring a youthful state of masculinity and improving your physique. Please contact us for a personalized consultation. For more information please visit our website: https://varmedicine.com/